Millions of people from around the world are turning to BIOPTRON for a non-invasive cosmetic Hyperlight Therapy procedure to enjoy a more youthful appearance. The Swiss-made BIOPTRON has been voted the number one Anti-Aging device at the Aesthetic and Anti-Aging Medicine European Congress in Paris.


Several international medical experts have presented the effects of BIOPTRON Hyperlight Therapy in Anti-Aging conferences in London, Paris, Monte-Carlo, Warsaw, and Bucharest demonstrating that BIOPTRON’s penetrating polarized light is clinically proven to reduce fine lines, wrinkles, loss of firmness, elasticity, and uneven skin tone - resulting in healthy, youthful skin.


Clinical research has demonstrated that BIOPTRON has a positive stimulating effect on specific cells in the skin known as fibroblasts, which results in the production of collagen and elastin. Safe and non-invasive treatment with BIOPTRON for only ten minutes per day reduces wrinkles, without any side effects.

BIOPTRON Hyperlight Therapy increases the production of collagen and elastin:

Collagen and elastin are the proteins that are pivotal to skin  functionality and condition. As we age, these proteins are less produced and the skin loses density and elasticity, so fine lines and wrinkles appear. BIOPTRON Hyperlight Therapy promotes the production of these “rejuvenating” proteins. Bioptron  skin treatments: 


  • Increase skin density
  • Decrease fine lines and wrinkles
  • Improve skin thickness
  • Improve skin texture, giving firmer and smoother skin


BIOPTRON Hyperlight Therapy increases microcirculation and promotes angiogenesis:

With age, the microcirculation of the skin is reduced, decreasing the delivery of oxygen and other nutrients. Poor and inadequate blood supply can be the cause of bags under the eyes, dark spots and “tired-looking” face. In addition, it contributes to decreased production of proteins, such as collagen and elastin, and decreased hydration of all skin layers. BIOPTRON Hyperlight Therapy increases the microcirculation and enhances angiogenesis (the formation and maintenance of capillaries), repairing the microcirculation and


  • Restoring the natural luminosity of the face
  • Reducing discoloration
  • Fading away blemishes
  • Fighting dullness for a radiant complexion
  • Restoring the skin glow, toning and strengthening hair follicles


A joint study done by the Zepter Medical team of Serbia and the Biomedical Engineering Department of the University of Belgrade show an incredible increase of collagen, elastin and water in different layers of the dermis. The researchers used Optomagnetic Imaging  Spectroscopy (OMIS) (a method for determining molecular conformation of tissue) to measure the content and proportion of elastin, collagen and water in the epidermis and dermis. After 4 weeks of treatment with Bioptron Hyperlight, the zone treated with Bioptron Hyperlight showed an increase in collagen fibre and water content in the interstitium. Bioptron Hyperlight improves the molecular composition of tissue, bringing back to the skin its healthy and youthful appearance. Bioptron Hyperlight provides complete skincare to prevent, treat, protect and maintain an effective skincare routine.Bioptron Hyperlight has all the wavelengths of the visual spectrum, which can help to decrease infections, repair the skin, diminish inflammations, etc. (for more information, see Section: Dermatology).

a medical device which supports a

range of medical conditions, including:​

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  • Chronic Pain

  • Neck & Back Pain

  • Wounds & Scars

  • Acne & Psoriasis

  • Sports Injuries

  • Ageing

  • Inflammation

  • Arthritis

  • Immune System

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder

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